Russia Has Equipped Syria With Their Most Advanced Anti-Ship Missiles

Russia has sold Syria highly advanced rocket launchers, anti-aircraft missiles and anti-ship missiles.  In fact, the P-800 Yakhont anti-ship missiles that Russia has equipped Syria with are the most advanced anti-ship missiles that Russia has.  When the United States strikes Syria, they might be quite surprised at how hard Syria can hit back.  The Syrian … Read more »

Who Benefits From A War Between The United States And Syria?

Someone wants to get the United States into a war with Syria very, very badly.  Cui bono is an old Latin phrase that is still commonly used, and it roughly means “to whose benefit?”  The key to figuring out who is really behind the push for war is to look at who will benefit from … Read more »

Is The United States Going To Go To War With Syria Over A Natural Gas Pipeline?

Why has the little nation of Qatar spent 3 billion dollars to support the rebels in Syria?  Could it be because Qatar is the largest exporter of liquid natural gas in the world and Assad won’t let them build a natural gas pipeline through Syria?  Of course.  Qatar wants to install a puppet regime in … Read more »

During The Best Period Of Economic Growth In U.S. History There Was No Income Tax And No Federal Reserve

How would America ever survive without the central planners in the Obama administration and at the Federal Reserve?  What in the world would we do if there was no income tax and no IRS?  Could the U.S. economy possibly keep from collapsing under such circumstances?  The mainstream media would have us believe that unless we … Read more »

Chemical Weapons in Syria?

Ok, let me see if I have this straight… Muammar Gaddafi was killed in Libya, thanks to US-backed (and Al-Qaeda associated, I might add) rebels. Gaddafi was found to be hiding chemical weapons (source), which the “rebels” (excuse me, “new government”) took control of. Libya’s new rulers have offered weapons to Syrian rebels (source) The … Read more »

Holder’s Response to Paul Leaves Something to be Desired

On March 6th, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky rose to filibuster the administration’s nomination of John Brennan for the top spot at the CIA. The Senator spoke for 13 hours before calling it a day. The next day, Attorney General Eric Holder responded: It has come to my attention that you have now asked an … Read more »

The Sequester And Chicken Little

Would you like an economic lesson in government spending cuts? Try this exercise. Sit down and plan a trip to Disney World for you and your family. Make a budget of $20,000 to take this trip (never mind that you don’t have that much money to spare, just follow along with me). And then, forget … Read more »

Christopher Dorner and the 6th Amendment

Christopher Dorner has become a hot-button topic as of late. And I feel strongly enough about the topic to emerge from my hiatus on writing. Forgive my absence, I’ve had little free time as of late. I must admit, I feel a bit like Walter in the movie The Big Lebowski when he wonders aloud … Read more »

We’re Already Over the “Fiscal Cliff”

Newsflash, folks. We’re already over the so-called “Fiscal Cliff”. As of today it’s been 1,311 days since the Senate has passed a budget. Let’s take a quick refresher course on Government 101. The House originates the budget bills. Once they pass the House, they go on to the Senate. Once passed there, it goes to … Read more »

Goodbye 4th Amendment

How we hardly knew you… This according to Scott Shackford on In 2011, Democratic Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy introduced the Electronic Communications Privacy Act Amendments Act, which would require authorities and law enforcement to get a search warrant to access private electronic communications. The bill is now finally up for possible vote next week. … Read more »

13 Dead in Texas!

13 Dead and 10 injured!  Why is that not the headline and lead story on every news in the country today?  Simple, no guns where involved. Early Monday morning an F-250 crashed into a tree 10 miles South of San Antonio, killing 13 and injuring 10 more.  Some of them are listed in critical condition. … Read more »