The Sequester And Chicken Little

Would you like an economic lesson in government spending cuts? Try this exercise. Sit down and plan a trip to Disney World for you and your family. Make a budget of $20,000 to take this trip (never mind that you don’t have that much money to spare, just follow along with me). And then, forget … Read more »

Christopher Dorner and the 6th Amendment

Christopher Dorner has become a hot-button topic as of late. And I feel strongly enough about the topic to emerge from my hiatus on writing. Forgive my absence, I’ve had little free time as of late. I must admit, I feel a bit like Walter in the movie The Big Lebowski when he wonders aloud … Read more »

The True Terrorists

Terrorism. ter·ror·ism /ˈterəˌrizəm/, Noun, The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. Now that we’ve defined the term “terrorism,” let’s determine who the terrorists are. Could they be a bunch of bearded men in turbans shouting “Allahu Akbar”? Sure. But could they also be your local police force? This story comes … Read more »

13 Dead in Texas!

13 Dead and 10 injured!  Why is that not the headline and lead story on every news in the country today?  Simple, no guns where involved. Early Monday morning an F-250 crashed into a tree 10 miles South of San Antonio, killing 13 and injuring 10 more.  Some of them are listed in critical condition. … Read more »


It’s 1:30am and there’s a knock at your door. What do you do? If you’re like me (or any other 2nd Amendment abiding citizen) you cautiously approach your door with gun at the ready. Now before you go thinking I’m some crazed gun nut, let’s look at the facts. It’s 1:30 in the morning, and … Read more »

Employers and Colleges Requiring Applicants to Submit Facebook Passwords—What’s Next?

Between the cover letters, resumes, applications and interviews, applying for a new job, and even college at that, can be a nerve-racking, anxiety-inducing experience. Worried about your future, you’re doing everything in your power to say the right answer, do the right thing and overall NOT blow this opportunity. Everything’s going great when something suddenly … Read more »

Who Owns You?

Who owns you? It’s a fairly simple question, and yet, for some it’s difficult to answer. Do you own yourself? Does the State? I just read a piece in the New York Times titled Let’s Draft Our Kids. In it, the author mentions that General Stanley McChrystal has called for the reinstatement of the draft. … Read more »

How Socialized Healthcare Will Place ‘Collective Good’ Ahead Of Individual Liberties

Are you a smoker? Do you like smoking? If you answered yes, you’d better be prepared to change your tune. Let me explain why. Sky News reports: The cost of a packet of cigarettes in New Zealand could rise to as much as $100 dollars – around £50 – by 2020 amid moves to stamp … Read more »

Why Is It Necessary For The Federal Government To Turn The United States Into A Prison Camp?

There has been no society in the history of the world that has ever been 100% safe.  No matter how much money the federal government spends on “homeland security”, the truth is that bad things will still happen.  Our world is a very dangerous place and it is becoming increasingly unstable.  The federal government could … Read more »

There Is Not Going To Be A Solution To Our Economic Problems On The National Level

For those waiting for our economic problems to be solved, you can quit holding your breath.  There is simply not going to be a solution to our economic problems on the national level.  So why is that the case?  Well, it is because the economic policies of both major political parties are very, very similar … Read more »

Just What in the World is America up to?

Just what in the world is the US government up to lately? First, there was the NDAA (the feds can indefinitely detain you merely on the suspicion of terrorism). Then there was SOPA/PIPA (the feds want to shut down the internet). By the way, they are bringing this one back in the form of CISPA (which further violates … Read more »

‘Minimum Wage’ Leads To ‘Zero Wage’

Here’s and interesting thought/question: Does the minimum wage lead to a zero wage? Steve Chapman writes on that “It would be nice if every worker were worth $9.80 an hour. But not all workers are.” Unemployment remains high; job growth is sluggish; and millions of Americans have given up hope of ever finding work. … Read more »