Visiting Certain Websites Can Land You on the No-Fly List

This may not surprise you, but visiting certain websites may land you on the no-fly list. No, that doesn’t mean you were put on trial. That doesn’t mean that a warrant was issued, and surveillance was conducted on you. Just by virtue of you visiting certain websites, you may permanently be banned from flying ever … Read more »

Christopher Dorner and the 6th Amendment

Christopher Dorner has become a hot-button topic as of late. And I feel strongly enough about the topic to emerge from my hiatus on writing. Forgive my absence, I’ve had little free time as of late. I must admit, I feel a bit like Walter in the movie The Big Lebowski when he wonders aloud … Read more »

The True Terrorists

Terrorism. ter·ror·ism /ˈterəˌrizəm/, Noun, The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. Now that we’ve defined the term “terrorism,” let’s determine who the terrorists are. Could they be a bunch of bearded men in turbans shouting “Allahu Akbar”? Sure. But could they also be your local police force? This story comes … Read more »

Goodbye 4th Amendment

How we hardly knew you… This according to Scott Shackford on In 2011, Democratic Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy introduced the Electronic Communications Privacy Act Amendments Act, which would require authorities and law enforcement to get a search warrant to access private electronic communications. The bill is now finally up for possible vote next week. … Read more »


It’s 1:30am and there’s a knock at your door. What do you do? If you’re like me (or any other 2nd Amendment abiding citizen) you cautiously approach your door with gun at the ready. Now before you go thinking I’m some crazed gun nut, let’s look at the facts. It’s 1:30 in the morning, and … Read more »

Employers and Colleges Requiring Applicants to Submit Facebook Passwords—What’s Next?

Between the cover letters, resumes, applications and interviews, applying for a new job, and even college at that, can be a nerve-racking, anxiety-inducing experience. Worried about your future, you’re doing everything in your power to say the right answer, do the right thing and overall NOT blow this opportunity. Everything’s going great when something suddenly … Read more »

Who Owns You?

Who owns you? It’s a fairly simple question, and yet, for some it’s difficult to answer. Do you own yourself? Does the State? I just read a piece in the New York Times titled Let’s Draft Our Kids. In it, the author mentions that General Stanley McChrystal has called for the reinstatement of the draft. … Read more »

They Have What It Takes, To Take What You Have

What has for years been a quasi-joke about the government actually appears to be completely true. They really do have what it takes, to take what you have. Of course, everybody wants to believe that the government really cares. They are only looking out for you and your best interests. There are many of us … Read more »

Man Evicted by City; Billed for Concrete

The Austin police department has managed to successfully stop the next Unabomber. Or so they’d like you to think. Delusions of grandeur hide the reality: That Joe Del Rio was evicted from his home by the city of Austin, and was billed for $90,000 worth of concrete that the city pumped into his basement. Del … Read more »

How Much Do You Want To Keep Your Guns?

This article is written by L. Neil Smith and can be found at Would you agree to permit adults to buy, sell, read, write, make, listen to, or watch whatever books, magazines, records, tapes, or movies they want, no matter how pornographic — if they agreed to let you keep your guns? Would you … Read more »

The 4 Year Old Terrorist In Wichita

Take a look at 4 year old Isabella Brademeyer. That could very well be my own daughter, who is 3. Cute as a button, and according to the TSA, a terrorist. That’s right, a terrorist. This young lady nearly made the TSA shut down the Wichita airport. From RT: Brademeyer was passing through security checks … Read more »