[Humor] News Flash: Idaho is Banned!

You read that correctly. It’s not a mistake. Say goodbye to our American flag with 50 stars. Soon it will only be 49. Idaho’s funeral is just around the corner. Image Courtesy of The Comical Conservative While we poke fun at Idaho getting banned, the reality of this situation is no laughing matter. In January, … Read more »

American Student Forced To Recite Mexican Pledge or Get an ‘F’

During her Spanish class in 2011 at a McAllen High School, 15 year-old Brenda Brindson and her class were told to recite the Mexican Pledge and salute Mexico’s flag. Brenda refused saying she believed it was un-American of her to recite the pledge of another country and swear allegiance to it. The clincher? Brenda’s mother … Read more »

The Sequester And Chicken Little

Would you like an economic lesson in government spending cuts? Try this exercise. Sit down and plan a trip to Disney World for you and your family. Make a budget of $20,000 to take this trip (never mind that you don’t have that much money to spare, just follow along with me). And then, forget … Read more »

Christopher Dorner and the 6th Amendment

Christopher Dorner has become a hot-button topic as of late. And I feel strongly enough about the topic to emerge from my hiatus on writing. Forgive my absence, I’ve had little free time as of late. I must admit, I feel a bit like Walter in the movie The Big Lebowski when he wonders aloud … Read more »

When the City Council Tries to Infringe On Your Rights…and Fails

During a citizen comment period of the Oak Harbor, Washington city council meeting a veteran and concealed carry permit holder urges the city council to defend the citizen’s 2nd Amendment rights and also to educate children on guns and gun safety. After he finished speaking, one of the city council members asked Lucas if he … Read more »

Warped Media Reports: Guns, Cars, Kids & School Massacres

The media, which is predominantly anti-gun, has an agenda. Recently, producers and anchors have been using the Sandy Hook tragedy as the main vehicle for their arguments in support of stricter gun-control laws. Their main (stated) purpose is to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals and terrorists. The media claims that U.S. gun … Read more »

Don’t Relax Just Yet: TSA to Continue X-ray Scanners

If like me, you felt triumphant and relieved when you heard that the TSA is pulling their full-body scanners out of airports, brace yourselves because it’s not over yet. Last week, news reports flooded out, announcing the removal of the controversial x-ray scanners from airports. Many happy readers thought that meant that we were finally … Read more »

Democrat’s ‘Secret’ Document Wants to Confiscate Guns

On January 18th, New York Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin, one of the few Republicans standing up for gun rights with all he’s got, posted the following on his Facebook page: “Here it is. This is the video where I was asked to keep the Democrat proposals for the NY SAFE Act away from the public. This … Read more »

Scandalous Scrubs: Too-Sexy Dental Assistant Gets Fired

The Iowa dental assistant who sued her former employer for discharging her because of his attraction to her has lost her discrimination case in the Iowa Supreme Court. Melissa Nelson had worked for dentist James Knight for ten years before Knight decided to let her go, citing their working relationship as a detriment to his … Read more »

A Victory for Freedom of Religion?

While you can hardly call the whole situation with Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani a victory for freedom of religion, the latest development shows the positive effects media pressure can put on a case. Unlike Iran, the US respects and protects the freedom of religion – to some extent. We consider the right to follow the … Read more »

White House Petition Labels Catholic Church a “Hate Group”

What have Roman Catholics done to get themselves in such hot water? The Pope stated the Catholic Church’s beliefs regarding the Biblical mandate of same-sex marriage and rejecting gay marriage simultaneously. Apparently that behavior is deserving of being officially labeled as a hate group. On their website, the White House is being petitioned to recognize … Read more »

The True Terrorists

Terrorism. ter·ror·ism /ˈterəˌrizəm/, Noun, The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. Now that we’ve defined the term “terrorism,” let’s determine who the terrorists are. Could they be a bunch of bearded men in turbans shouting “Allahu Akbar”? Sure. But could they also be your local police force? This story comes … Read more »