Federal Judge: “Under 21? No Guns!”

At the end of October, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a September 2011 ruling by District Judge Sam Cummings stating that 18-20 year-olds could not purchase handguns. However, this ruling does not prevent 18-20 year-olds from carrying, owning or firing handguns. From Reuters: “A unanimous three-judge panel said Congress, in a law dating … Read more »

Where Does Money Come From?

This article was reposted with permission from The Economic Collapse. How is money created?  If you ask average people on the street this question, most of them have absolutely no idea.  This is rather odd, because we all use money constantly.  You would think that it would only be natural for all of us to … Read more »

Who Owns You?

Who owns you? It’s a fairly simple question, and yet, for some it’s difficult to answer. Do you own yourself? Does the State? I just read a piece in the New York Times titled Let’s Draft Our Kids. In it, the author mentions that General Stanley McChrystal has called for the reinstatement of the draft. … Read more »

The Sausage King of Chicago

Or, Deep Dish Politics I say this a little tongue-in-cheek, but, I wonder how long it will be before Rahm “Rahmbo” sends a dead fish to the Supreme Court Justices to get the point across. On Monday the 2nd of April, President Obama, speaking from the Rose Garden with Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Canadian Prime Minister … Read more »

Know Your Rights

This post is brought to you by Steve the DUI lawn mower guy: Steves Riding Lawn Mower DUI Arrest Video As you heard, Steve “knows his rights.” But do you know yours? Did you know that you can refuse consent for a police officer to search your vehicle during a common traffic stop? Did you know … Read more »

Protesters Erased From Reality

I.M. Citizen wrote an interesting piece over on Freedom Bunker that caught my eye.

Apparently, H.R. 347, the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act (or the “no protesters allowed” act) is already making its mark.

On March 21st, President Obama paid a visit to New Mexico. On the way there, the Secret Service learned of a plan by New Mexico TEA Party members to protest his arrival, and promptly changed their destination to avoid the protest.

Sher Zieve writes,

When the US Secret Service discovered that the enterprising group of our Southeast New Mexico Patriots had, also, switched their plans and would drive to Roswell to engage in peaceful and Constitutionally allowed dissent against the Obama policies of the destruction of the United States of America, the SS began to put their respective feet down. First, the SS made a strong request that the anti-Obama rally not occur…at all. When the TEA Party members advised them that they still planned to do so, it was announced that the main road (Earl Cummings Loop) into and out of the Roswell airport would be closed. In other words, only the planned Obama sycophants, adherents and Adoration Groups will be allowed in…all others no longer have any free speech.

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America: Land of the Police State, Home of the Domestic Extremist

We used to be the land of the free, and the home of the brave.

Now? More like land of the police state, and home of the domestic extremist. That’s what happens when enough people don’t care, or are bamboozled.

In a free society:

  • Police agencies respond only to evidence of planned and actual criminal activity.
  • Police officers keep the peace; they do not investigate citizens and activities unless there is some reason to investigate.
  • Police do not investigate citizens’ attitudes toward the central government, only their action.
  • Citizen dissent is lawful and police agencies do not investigate citizens’ attitudes toward the criminal justice apparatus.

None of that applies anymore. Now, in the United States, the government may:

  • Kill American citizens abroad, or here on US soil, without a trial or judicial review. A secret closed-door meeting is enough to end someone’s life. (Source)
  • Intercept and store 1.7 billion of your emails, phone calls and text messages each day, without a warrant. Enough information to fill 138 million books every 24 hours. (Source)
  • Charge you with a felony for peacefully protesting. (Source)
  • Imprison you for life, without access to a trial or attorney, and can use the US Military to do so. (Source)

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Congress Is Now Irrelevant


Ok, so I’ll admit, the title is a bit misleading. Technically, Congress has been irrelevant for quite some time. 535 little busy bodies out to line their own pockets and those of their corporate buddies. Ok, so not all of them are evil.

On the 7th of March, testifying before a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Martin Dempsey and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta both stated that President Obama needed only an international legal basis to go to war, and Congress would be an afterthought.

Wait, what?

Yea, that’s right. In complete defiance of Article I, section 8 of the Constitution which provides that only Congress may declare war, this administration says it doesn’t need congress.

After 9/11, Congress by and large ceded power to the Executive branch to execute a loosely defined “war on terror.” Essentially, they marginalized themselves. And Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) had the nerve to act surprised when the Administration asserts its emperor-like powers.

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