Dollar Continues Advance Towards Worthlessness

Pretty soon the paper that lines your pocketbook will only be good enough to wipe  your behind with. From Philipp Bagus of, On Tuesday, March 26, 2012, I was invited by Ron Paul and his staff to assist a meeting of the Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Subcommittee of the House Committee on Financial Services. The title of … Read more »

Add ‘Preppers’ to the List of Potential Terrorists

In what seems reminiscent of the good old fashioned communist witch hunts, it turns out your next door neighbor (or even you) could be a terrorist. Didn’t know that? You might be surprised at what else you didn’t know. I wrote about America’s slide from the land of the free and home of the brave, to the … Read more »

Armed Thugs Using ‘Necessary Roughness’

Many of you will notice as of late I’ve been posting many articles that paint the police force in a bad light. That’s not my intent, I don’t like “grouping people.” Surely not all cops are bad. A doctor is presented with symptoms, and searches for the root cause of the problem. He may prescribe something to … Read more »

The Bipartisanship of Tyranny

The only thing that is certain about 9/11 is that it fundamentally altered America. Within days, the foundations of a fascist system were being put into place, and of course everybody was all for it (in the name of security of course). Now, over a decade later, there’s not as many people so willing. Politicians, … Read more »

From ‘Protect and Serve’ to ‘Taunt and Kill’

“Officers, why do you have your guns out?” That is the question that Kenneth Chamberlain Sr., a former Marine who had heart problems and wheezed if he walked more than 40 feet, found himself asking police officers around 5am on November 19th, 2011. It wasn’t long after that question that Mr. Chamberlain was mortally wounded by … Read more »

The Sausage King of Chicago

Or, Deep Dish Politics I say this a little tongue-in-cheek, but, I wonder how long it will be before Rahm “Rahmbo” sends a dead fish to the Supreme Court Justices to get the point across. On Monday the 2nd of April, President Obama, speaking from the Rose Garden with Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Canadian Prime Minister … Read more »

Scalia: ‘If The Government Can Do This, What Else Can It Not Do?’

So, the Supreme Court has heard oral arguments on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called Obamacare. At issue is the Constitutionality of the “individual mandate.” The legal complexity of this thing is astounding. But from my (simplistic) view point, the Government coercing a private citizen to purchase a product (insurance) from a private … Read more »