Cold Contrast: U.S. and Russia Far Apart On Gay Issues

The LGBT community in the U.S. celebrated a significant victory on June 26 when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a provision of the the Defense of Marriage Act that denies gay couples federal benefits. That same day, the Federation House in Russia (the functional equivalent of the U.S. Senate) overwhelmingly approved a bill that … Read more »

Iran: Nuke or no Nuke?*450/20120220_inq_lede20.a.JPG*450/20120220_inq_lede20.a.JPGIran. It seems to be on the lips of every journo lately. So, are they building a nuke or aren’t they?

The media is doing an all-out propaganda blitz it seems. Every chance they get, they have some “expert” talking about how Iran is supposedly in a fervent rush to build a nuclear weapon.

Never mind that Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Never mind that Iran has stated they are not pursuing a nuclear weapon. Never mind that US intelligence agencies state that there is no evidence to support that Iran is building a nuclear weapon. Forget all of that, facts are too inconvenient. Iran is building nuclear weapons because they want to “wipe Israel off the map” (I’ll leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine how accurate that quote is – Google is your friend). Forget that Israel has somewhere between 75 and 400 nuclear weapons themselves (they will not let inspectors in… yet somehow we’re not discussing attacking them). Israel is NOT a signer of the NPT ((Non-Proliferation Treaty)).

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