Ben Swann: Supreme Court ‘STRIPS’ Americans of Their 4th Amendment Rights?

Here I go again. Just when my Conservative friends think I’m “in the pack” I go and break ranks with them. That’s the funny thing about Libertarians. We just don’t seem to fit anybody’s mold. From the WXIX website: (FOX19) – A stunning ruling this week with major implications for every American. The U.S. Supreme Court … Read more »

The Sausage King of Chicago

Or, Deep Dish Politics I say this a little tongue-in-cheek, but, I wonder how long it will be before Rahm “Rahmbo” sends a dead fish to the Supreme Court Justices to get the point across. On Monday the 2nd of April, President Obama, speaking from the Rose Garden with Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Canadian Prime Minister … Read more »

Scalia: ‘If The Government Can Do This, What Else Can It Not Do?’

So, the Supreme Court has heard oral arguments on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called Obamacare. At issue is the Constitutionality of the “individual mandate.” The legal complexity of this thing is astounding. But from my (simplistic) view point, the Government coercing a private citizen to purchase a product (insurance) from a private … Read more »

Wrong Place at the Wrong Time; Where is the Justice?

I can’t help but laugh at this picture every time I see it. This guy is a classic example of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Ouch.

But this is just humorous (well, ok, it’s probably not very funny to the poor lad who now has to swallow to return his manliness to its original position). What happens when it’s not funny?

Take the recent Trayvon Martin situation. Spike Lee retweeted an address which was purported to be that of alleged shooter George Zimmerman. The only problem is, it was the wrong address.

So what happens when an angry mob shows up in front of your house?

That’s exactly what happened to an elderly couple, aged 70 and 72, who were the unfortunate occupants of the address that was being passed around.

Apparently, the woman’s son is named William George Zimmerman, and he briefly lived at that address in 1995. When William Zimmerman pleaded with the man who tweeted the address, the man responded, “Black power all day. No justice, no peace” along with an obscenity.

So, I ask, where is the justice for this couple? Where is their peace? They have had to temporarily relocate to a hotel out of fear for their safety.

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The Trayvon Martin Shooting

I’m quite certain this will draw some (probably negative) attention to me. I’ve thus far refrained from commenting on the Trayvon Martin situation, because a) not being an eye witness, I’m very ill-informed on the situation, and b) tensions on both sides are so high, it’s impossible to take any position without angering one side or the other.

I’ve decided now to break my silence, and attempt to toe the line and not take a side on this issue, and provide only a little commentary.

First, let’s air some facts.

Fact #1: George Zimmerman, the alleged shooter (those who have any experience in the legal profession know why I included the word “alleged”) is just as white as President Obama is (that is to say, 50%). Mr. Zimmerman’s father was white, and his mother was Hispanic. To call this a “white on black” or “hate” crime, is at best a demonstration of being uninformed, and at worse is a blatant misrepresentation.

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Protesters Erased From Reality

I.M. Citizen wrote an interesting piece over on Freedom Bunker that caught my eye.

Apparently, H.R. 347, the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act (or the “no protesters allowed” act) is already making its mark.

On March 21st, President Obama paid a visit to New Mexico. On the way there, the Secret Service learned of a plan by New Mexico TEA Party members to protest his arrival, and promptly changed their destination to avoid the protest.

Sher Zieve writes,

When the US Secret Service discovered that the enterprising group of our Southeast New Mexico Patriots had, also, switched their plans and would drive to Roswell to engage in peaceful and Constitutionally allowed dissent against the Obama policies of the destruction of the United States of America, the SS began to put their respective feet down. First, the SS made a strong request that the anti-Obama rally not occur…at all. When the TEA Party members advised them that they still planned to do so, it was announced that the main road (Earl Cummings Loop) into and out of the Roswell airport would be closed. In other words, only the planned Obama sycophants, adherents and Adoration Groups will be allowed in…all others no longer have any free speech.

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Congress Continues to Ignore 1st Amendment, Limits Rights

Here is the complete text of the 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution (emphasis mine):

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So, how then will our congress critters explain H.R. 347, the “Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011” bill? To be fair, this is not a new law. It amends 18 USC § 1752 “restricted buildings and grounds,” that has existed in various forms since 1971. The most significant amendments to the law occurred in 2006. ((

But there are a few changes that make one’s eyebrow raise.

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