Former CIA and Bin Laden Chief, Michael Scheuer, Warns Against a Romney or Obama Presidency1 min read

For everyone who says Ron Paul’s foreign policy is “dangerous,” here’s an undisputed expert on foreign policy. A 22 year veteran of the CIA, and Former Bin Laden Chief, Michael Scheuer, is warning America and Israel against a Romney or Obama Presidency. He reports Ron Paul is the best choice for security as a nation and helping our allies. Have a listen:

UPDATE: Here’s video of Michael on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s former show Freedom Watch

Aaron Graves

Aaron Graves is a veteran and a staunch libertarian, consistently breaking ranks with his Conservative friends on social issues, and with his Liberal friends on economic issues. He is also the guy that wrote the crap that you just read. Sic Semper Tyrannis

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8 thoughts on “Former CIA and Bin Laden Chief, Michael Scheuer, Warns Against a Romney or Obama Presidency<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>”

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